Friday, February 18, 2011

Sports Are For Squares

This amazing blouse is another gift from my friend, it has a lovely peter pan collar but for some reason it's on the back of the top, so I wear it backwards....

My skirt is unashamedly and quite obviously a netball skirt. It's funny that I own one now after years of despising the "netball girls" at school who were co-ordinated and had nice ponytails

My sheer thigh highs that I'm not brave enough to wear out of the house because they fall down all the time

This was supposed to be a shot of the collar but ended up as an overexposed self face shot :D

And an unintentionally depressing shot showing my shoes. It's near impossible for me to get full body shots in this tiny room, but I think I did ok!

In other news, I finally have a New Zealand passport! Now I can officially leave when I get the money, which is hopefully around May or June. Look out Melbourne!


  1. Lovely outfit, the collar on the shirt is gorgeous, and I can promise my netball skirts NEVER looked that chic.

    Penny x

  2. Haha that's great that you used a netball skirt! I love the top too, innovative way of turning it around backward. Wow congrats on the passport! Hope you are able to have a great trip!

  3. you look lovely!

    Danniella @

  4. I love your outfit, You look very cute.I like dressing up as well and i have several netball skirts.


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